All Workshops

The Body Transformation Quest

How your body looks, feels and function is like a metaphor that reveals a lot about you. Heal your body by connecting deeply with its wisdom. 

The Master Game

The Creator of Dreams. Master the 7 keys to Manifestation. You will learn a simple, accessible and exciting process to clear the obstacles, activate your power centers and catapult you into the world of conscious manifestation.



The Path of the Heart

Finding the Freedom to Love

Coaching Certification

This ground breaking Coach Training Programme gives you a fantastic opportunity to truly master advanced transformational coaching techniques..

Calling the Soul Home
Astrology - The Cosmic Language of the Universe

Understanding your path through cosmic science of the divine

The Self Love Code

Loving Yourself Through Thick and thin The most important relationship you have is with yourself and many of us feel a deep longing to connect to our true selves and find love and compassion for ourselves.

The Warriors Quest

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The Way of the Open Heart
The Chakras - Awakening and healing your energy field
The Sacred Path
Volunteer Retreat, Norway

When I bought this magical place, my vision for it was is create somewhere people could come to find deep connection with themselves through the connection with pure nature. My happiest moments as a child was when I was roaming around the wild nature in Norway, and I wanted to share that with others. 

Words of Power, Words of Love

High Impact communication skills